Monday, November 11, 2013

Welcome to the official blog of the MVNU and Kenyon Service Trip to Belize and Guatemala

This is the first entry of a blog designed as a place to chronicle and reflect on our time spent in Belize and Guatemala during the January and Spring terms of 2014. Who are we? We are a joint group of students, professors, and friends of Mount Vernon Nazarene College, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and Kenyon College, of Gambier, Ohio, Below is a picture of the Nazarene Primary and High Schools in Succotz, Belize, and the Nazarene campground, where we will be spending our first 3 and last two days in Belize. I welcome everyone back to watch this trip, and it's associated projects and adventures, unfold. Jim Skon, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science, MVNU.