Monday, November 11, 2013

Welcome to the official blog of the MVNU and Kenyon Service Trip to Belize and Guatemala

This is the first entry of a blog designed as a place to chronicle and reflect on our time spent in Belize and Guatemala during the January and Spring terms of 2014. Who are we? We are a joint group of students, professors, and friends of Mount Vernon Nazarene College, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and Kenyon College, of Gambier, Ohio, Below is a picture of the Nazarene Primary and High Schools in Succotz, Belize, and the Nazarene campground, where we will be spending our first 3 and last two days in Belize. I welcome everyone back to watch this trip, and it's associated projects and adventures, unfold. Jim Skon, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science, MVNU.


  1. It is hard to get ready for this trip. We have Christmas occupying our thoughts. I have begun to pack my bags, we leave in just two weeks.

  2. I finally packed up everything for the trip tomorrow. I am most surprised about how short the plane rides will be, only about 5 hours or so combined. Since this'll be my first time really outside of the country, I don't know what to expect. Lots of excitement with a bit of nervousness.
