Thursday, January 9, 2014


Tikal was a wonderful experience, even though I found myself pondering past memories ad I walked through the grand ruins that were abandoned ariund 900 AD. Its curious hiw beautiful scenes often force us to stop and take a step back and think about the beautiful things in the past, the present, and the future. For me, today was filled with memories from my past...and wondering what could have been had things turned out differently. I could ask the same question of history, such as wondering if the Maya had maintained their dominance until the arrival of the Europeans. Or perhaps discussing various moments in history where a single choice altered the course of history. Choices are a funny thing....because no matter how big or small...they have a.profound impact on our lives...and those choices are our cross to bear so to speak, or perhaps they are the reason for faith.

I was sad to leave Flores this morning necayse it has been great to wander around that city and participate in the festivities. Alas, our time there has come to a close...and we have returned to camp, which marked the return of Eli and Janies attempts to beat Jason and I  at Euchre. All is well...and hopefukky tomorrow is not ruined by rain!

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