Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day Twenty in Belize:

     It was a good morning for me but I cannot really say for my mentor, Doug. He went to take our professor to the a bus station so that he can get to Belize city to get our new van and more supplies. Doug then went with a friend to the hospital that got into a dog situation. So he was there for most of the morning helping and supporting his friend and wife. Dr. Skon was gone for pretty much the entire day because of van and luggage issues he was having. Not exactly sure what happened but it took a while. Breakfast was excellent as always. Belize seriously has the best food I have ever had in my life. America has nothing on this!
     After breakfast, me and a couple of guys went with Doug to a school to instal some Wi-Fi. We were there for a couple of hours and it was a lot of fun. I have really enjoyed myself doing this kind of work and hopefully I will be doing something similar to this when I graduate. We set up two access points on a giant stick that was at a corner of their play ground. Hopefully it does not get hit and knocked over and break when we are gone. Those two points let three of their buildings have Internet access which was remarkable. I went around the school testing the connection on my phone and it was great everywhere I went so I have no fear of them losing connection anytime soon. We also gave the school ten laptops for their labs to help improve the labs since laptops are necessary for what they are doing with computers. Apparently, there was a magic show that was at the camp grounds where we were staying at before that some people from Florida are here and they are also doing some mission work. They seem like nice people and even invited us to go see it, but we were too busy with work to go watch unfortunately. I have not seen a magic show in a long time.
     After our work was complete there, we went out for lunch then went back to the log cabins. When we got there, we packed up and headed out to the schools again for our classes today. Doug taught both classes today since our professor was still in Belize city. We worked on a program called Wireshark that was really cool and interesting for the network security class that I cannot take yet. But that did not stop me from participating and give me a head start for when I have to take it. For the software class, we just went over our ideas for projects and reduced them to only a couple from each group because there were so many listed.
     After class, we came back for dinner at the cabins. We had macaroni and cheese today. That tasted so good and reminded me of home. When dinner was finished, we had our evening class. We talked about how we deal with people that have different views and beliefs on things such as religion and abortion. It got interesting and I did not speak much because everyone said everything that needed to be said I felt like. Now, here we are doing our own thing and I am writing this so I can go to bed and sleep in tomorrow since we do not have class all day so I think I am going to skip breakfast (maybe lunch too).

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