Saturday, January 4, 2014

This little piggy went to the market

It's day three for us on our trip and our second day here in Belize. The plan was to go hiking in the mountains and see some waterfalls and maybe swim some but it rained ALL night straight through non-stop so because of that we would not be able to make it up the hills so we had to find something else to do. Instead today we got to see what normal day life is like on a typical Saturday here. Just like at home a lot of the people go out shopping on Saturday.  We went to the city of San Igancio where they had an outdoor market set up for all their fruits, vegetables, meats and spices to get for cooking. 

We also walked around their mall consisting of a few streets of small shops with just about everything you can think of. In walking around the city and shopping at all the different shops we got to interact with a lot of native people which was very neat. The people are really nice and friendly and not afraid to say hi and talk to you. While walking around we say out waitress from dinner lastnight and she remembered us so she came up and talked with us some. Around lunch time it started to rain so ee decided to take a break and eat while it was raining.  We ate at this place called Flayva. For lunch I had one of the best quesadilla I have ever had.

After lunch it had finally had finally cleared up and we decided it was time to leave. We then went to Chal Pec a 3000 year old Mayan Ruin. We had a tour guide that told us a lot about the history of the ruins and what the different places and areas were used for when it was originally built. We even got to see what would have been the kings bedroom and the beds which were made of stone. There were 3 different levels of the ruins each higher the the previous one. It was so cool to see something so old and hear about how and why they were used. 

After the tour of the ruins we headed back to campe and had dinner. After dinner we had a class session for our international development class. In it we had a very good and long discussion talking about the growth and formation of Israel and Palestine. There were a lot of things that I learned that I had nevet know. In learning some of this it really put a new prospective on some of the issues dealing with that area and land ofthe world. Even now I am still kind of going through things in my heaf and getting some thoughts and ideas straighted out.

Tomorrow we will be going to church at a Nazarene a block or two away. After that we will be heading to Guatemala which we are only miles away from. We will ne staying there for 4 days and during that worday will be doing a lot of work that will be helping the daily lives the people there. We are really hopping to have the opportunity to connect and get to know these people we will be helping. It should be an amazing experience and I can't wait to start impacting and making a difference for the people here.

Grace and Peace,
Josh Aleshire

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